Land Your Dream Book Deal — It's Time!

Write chapters and craft a top-tier proposal that agents and editors are excited to buy.

Apply Now!

An incredible book deal starts with an incredible proposal.

You have a brilliant idea for a non-fiction book (yes, memoir counts!)….

… but where to start? What to include? Who can help you get published?

You need to write this book, but you also need answers and guidance:

  • What are agents and editors looking for right now?
  • How do you land an agent and a big advance?
  • How important is your writing style? Your voice?
  • Does every non-fiction writer need a book proposal?
  • Can you get a deal just by sending in few chapters or a query?
  • How can you do this right so you don’t waste time and money?

You want to get started. You want to feel confident. But the process is not intuitive.

You can go through the process with confidence.

I’m here to guide your transformation into authorship.

Apply Now!

I'm Ready to Apply!

Book Proposal Academy

The Academy is comprised of an exclusive group — I only accept people whose book ideas have a good chance of selling.

Book Industry Expert

You get direct access to a book industry expert who has helped first-time authors sell their book proposals to big-5 publishers.

Step-by-Step Guidance

You get step-by-step guidance for crafting your book proposal — no more guessing about what works.

Personalized Feedback

You get feedback and stay on track with a customized lesson-plan and anytime-access learning modules.

Support and Accountability

You get mindset support and milestone deadlines, delivered in carefully crafted stages that are proven to work.

Sell Your Proposal

You will write a book proposal and sample chapters that can actually sell — and sell soon.

Exclusive group

You will be part of an exclusive group of change-making thought-leaders who are going through the process with you.

Book Proposal Academy Testimonials

Tammy LaDrew, The Featherstone Institute

Tammy LaDrew

"BPA not only gives you the knowledge, skills and support to get your book published, the process itself will change your life. Be prepared to work hard and to celebrate your accomplishments!"

Megan deBoer. Founder, Tended Wealth

Megan deBoer

"Had I attempted to do this alone, I would have stopped, been derailed, or felt too insecure to continue. Going through this process with others was really valuable. I am so glad I gave my book this essential support!"

Jen Mayer. Founder, Baby Caravan

Jen Mayer

"Writing a book proposal was very daunting to me, so I put it off. But BPA’s lessons broke it down into actionable sections, so we worked piece by piece. I’m so proud of the work we did together!"

Write Chapters, Develop Your Proposal— and Pitch!

When you’re crystal clear about your idea, your story, and your audience, your proposal will rise to the top of the pile. But everyone needs help getting there.

Apply Now!

Book Proposal Academy is a 6-month engagement.

Wait, 6 MONTHS?! I want this done yesterday!

No matter how smart and productive you may be, a book proposal that sells takes more than three or four weeks to write, polish and pitch.

You may have seen DIY courses that promise you can write it in less time. In my experience, this is not realistic.

Do not waste your time and money, or increase your frustration, on these empty promises.

Book Proposal Academy is the step-by-step track to getting your proposal done in the right way. Your proposal needs to stand out, not end up in some editor’s drawer collecting dust.

Plus, the BPA format offers you a flexible way to work.
– Want things done yesterday? Move quickly through lessons and assignments.
– Prefer a steady pace with built-in guardrails? BPA has this at its core.

You’ll have your work done in time to pitch when agents are looking to sign new authors. And, you’ll be able to FOCUS and DELIVER through life’s distractions.

You’ll be set up to do it right the first time — by working in a smart and strategic way.

  • The book market is competitive. You want to send out your best proposal the first time around.
  • A book proposal maps out your entire book. It sets you up to write, so you’ll know exactly where to start, who you’re writing for, and why.
  • You’ll know where your book fits in the current landscape of best-selling titles.
  • You’ll refine your writing voice, your author brand, and your ability to express ideas.
  • Your brilliant, change-making book deserves time, expert guidance, and quality feedback.
  • Your transformation from wanna-be author to author-for-real is profound. It’s highly satisfying. Do it the right way.

Crafting a book proposal needs the guidance of someone who knows what agents and editors want to see.

It also benefits big time from the support of your peers who are going through the process with you. It’s not a secret: a savvy cheering section is vital to every author’s success.

Book Proposal Academy clients have landed high 5-figure book deals after taking my intensive, step-by-step proposal coaching program.

Who This Course is For

Book Proposal Academy is for people who are burning to write their book. And they want to do it now.

(NOTE: If you’re confused about what kind of book you want to write, that’s okay. I have other services that will prepare you for BPA, so let’s talk.)

BPA is for people who can’t wait to see their book in print. For people who are focused, motivated — and excited.

This program gives you what need to get the book done
—with amazing support and camaraderie at every step.

Everything you need, all in one place.

Save yourself time, money, confusion and frustration!

BPA is the difference between selling and not selling your book.

Book Proposal Academy Testimonial

Catherine Simone Gray, Unsilenced Woman

"The process from book idea to publication is a daunting one in today’s publishing world, but now I feel that I have the support and knowledge (and strong proposal!) to navigate it with resilience. My confidence going into the next stage of the process feels sharper and more founded on knowledge. My book’s whole concept has matured, too."
— Proud Flesh: One Mother's Quest for Healing and Pleasure

Sebene Selassie, Meditation Teacher, Speaker, Coach

"Even before the course started, sensing that she really knew how to guide people through this process...Joelle was really just so careful, and caring, and expert at helping me find my particular voice...Also being in a group process was really helpful"

Jennifer Mayer, Founder, Baby Caravan.

"BPA helped save me from overthinking or doubting myself. It was so helpful to know what agents and publishers were going to want."

What to Expect

In Book Proposal Academy you get:

  • Live weekly coaching calls via Zoom to ask questions and receive personalized direction on writing craft, pitching, mindset — and much more.
  • Live, weekly Co-Writing hour to protect your writing time, minimize distractions, and build camaraderie.
  • Access to me anytime via Slack—ask questions, get feedback and answers;
  • The support of a small, select group of peers who are all working on incredible books;
  • Seven "milestone" deadlines to finesse your work and track your progress at key points;
  • Guest visits from industry professionals, such as agents, editors, authors and creativity coaches;
  • Accountability, support, and expert knowledge on crafting your book and what to do to sell it.


  • Plus, I will personally read every section of your proposal to tell you where you are on track and where you can improve.
  • This includesfinal read of your completed draft  – with suggestions of what to add, cut and refine — before you send it to agents and editors.
  • An entire module on finding and pitching agents and editors including how to write an attention-grabbing query letter;
  • A dedicated title-pitch to guarantee that your book's title is catchy and irresistible;
  • By the end, you will have a finished, polished book proposal that is vetted by an industry professional...
  • ... and an unbeatable road-map for writing your entire book, as soon as you get a book deal (a place where many authors get lost).
Joelle Hann -
Program Leader

Joelle Hann

As a seasoned book coach, I’ve seen countless brilliant authors go through the pain and frustration of trying to write chapters, hone their ideas, and complete their book proposal alone. I knew had to share my knowledge and create a solution that would move people's world-changing ideas out of their heads and into bestselling books — where they belong!

Whether you are a first-time author, or an influencer with a huge platform, the question is the same: How can we create the best book possible? How can we create the most compelling book proposal that no publisher will be able to resist?

I ask you the hard questions so that you don’t have to wonder if you’re on the right track.

I’m dedicated to being your guide, your audience, and your cheering section — to the very end.

Book Proposal Academy

Don't waste your precious time and money wondering if you're doing it right. What you invest in this program is far less than you would spend figuring out the book proposal on your own. Agents and editors are buying. Make your dream a reality. Join us.

I'm ready to apply!

Join our exclusive program and get serious about your book.

Apply now to see if you’re a good fit for the program. (If you’re not sure, apply anyway!)

I’m considering applications—and your book idea—carefully.

If I think you have a good shot at selling your book, I’ll green-light you to watch my valuable private training— only for accepted applicants.

In the live training, you learn a lot more about BPA, about bringing your non-fiction book idea to life, and about what it takes to pitch agents & editors!

The training is free for accepted applicants— so make sure to APPLY!

Fair warning: this is a transformative process. Going from wanna-be author to author-for-real is deeply gratifying. You won’t be the same on the other side—and that’s a good thing.

Sign up now and get set to shop your book SOON. Sitting on your idea for another month—or another year—doesn’t move the needle. Get ahead of the curve!

Become the author you’ve always known yourself to be.

Let’s do this!

Apply now

Ready to go? Let's do this!

Apply Now!

Book Proposal Academy Testimonials

Eileen Rosete. Founder, Our Sacred Women.

"BPA has been absolutely invaluable. It helped me not only really clarify my book idea but become more confident about it as I share it more with the world. I know when I start sharing my book proposal with prospective agents and publishers that it will be the best proposal I could offer."

— Our Womb Loss: A Compassionate Guide to Grieving & Healing After Pregnancy & Infant Loss (sold at auction to Sounds True Publishing)

Lucia Hawley

Lucia Hawley. Founder, Lean & Liberated.

"If you want to know you did everything you could to create the best book proposal possible, you should seriously consider doing Book Proposal Academy!"

— Weighing on Her Mind: How to Balance Left & Right Brains for Forever Weight Loss

Jen Mayer. Founder, Baby Caravan

Jen Mayer. Founder, Baby Caravan.

"I had tried twice before to write a book proposal. This time, working with Joelle and the cohort in BPA helped me cross the finish line. I truly wouldn't have been able to complete this project without the weekly guidance and support. Now I have a completed proposal and can happily say I'm super proud of the work we did together!"

— Fully Funded by Forty Weeks: The Freelancer & Small Business Owner's Guide to Parental Leave & Financial Resiliency

Catherine Amanda Gray, Unsilenced Woman.

"Joelle does an excellent job of holding students to high standards to produce our best work while also offering grace and encouragement to new authors learning to fit this work into busy lives."

— Proud Flesh: One Mother's Quest for Healing and Pleasure (landed her dream agent with BPA!)

Jeff Masters, The Masters Institute

Jeff Masters. Founder, The Masters Institute.

"The break down of the proposal and the stages of work was fantastic. It really worked for me. The 16-weeks with work and examples were very well thought-out, as were the examples for us to use as inspiration."

— The New Mind-Body Paradigm: Awakening Your Inner Wisdom to Experience True Healing

Tammy LaDrew, The Featherstone Institute

Tammy LaDrew. Founder, The Featherstone Institute.

"What an amazing journey! I could not have asked for a program that was more aligned with what I needed at this time. Your quality of presence made all the difference. It helped me hone in on my topic and stay engaged in the process, even when doubt threatened to swallow my momentum. Truly an amazing experience."

— Uncharted Territory: A Guide for Navigating Change, Challenge & Chaos

Jessika Marie, The Mavenhood.

"I could never have imagined the breadth and depth of the journey this course would take me on. It gave me confidence that there is a place for my words and my experience. Having the support of someone who is grounded, talented, and compassionate is the ultimate gift to a person who is just beginning. Anyone wanting to write a book, whether they are self-publishing or have their sights set on a big-5 publisher, can benefit from this process."

— She's Not Ashamed: A Woman's Guide to Reconciling Our Shame, Rewriting Our Stories, & Reclaiming the Heroine Within

Maggie Rintala. Health and fitness coach, DNS.

"Joelle has a sense about when and what I can handle, like a good mom who teaches you how to do your laundry and then locks you in the garage with it. This process has helped me have a book proposal: 100% I never would have gotten there alone."

— Radical Authentic Fitness: Abandon Perfection & Become Fit for Who You Are & What You Want

Jillian Turecki. Certified relationship coach.

"The whole process was very illuminating. In fact, there is no way I would ever have been able to write this book without this course! If you want to write a book, this is the way to go."

— WomanChild: 9 Relationship Truths to Unleash Your Self-Worth & Transform Your Love Life