Build Your Writing Momentum – 3-Month Mastermind
No matter how disciplined you are, or how much momentum you have right now, when the holidays come they can blow up every good intention.
If you’re not naturally disciplined, and you don’t have you momentum, then getting through the natural end-of-year slow-down is just about impossible.
It takes time and even more determination (ugh!) to get up to speed again. By that time, the new year is well underway.
That’s why I’m offering the Momentum Mastermind – a 3-month program to support you through the inevitable dip between now and the early new year, when even the best-laid plans can go awry.
I can’t stand to see writers (you!) lose the precious ground you’ve gained this fall.
Or—even worse—watching your book project slide back to the bottom of your to-do list (where it might have spent an unfortunate chunk of time already).
Maintaining your momentum while we transition out of one year into the next can mean the difference between pitching your book in 2020 and waiting until 2021.
It is incredibly valuable.
I have space for 8 up-and-coming authors to work closely with me from mid-November through early February.
Peer Support, Expert Guidance, Regular Check-ins, Community
The mastermind works with peer support, expert guidance and regular check-ins to help you keep writing, keep thinking and—most importantly—stay on track as you overcome obstacles, get pages written, and think through next steps.
Instead of losing confidence every time your schedule erupts (Holiday parties? Family obligations? Travel itineraries?), you’ll stay connected to your project, the group and me!
By staying in the flow—and staying with the rest of us— you’ll keep up your momentum, and realize that your book is not some out-of-reach dream, it just needs tending to through all the inevitable distractions and responsibilities that life brings.
Most importantly, you’ll know that your mastermind peers (and me!) have your back when you get stuck, and are there to celebrate with you when you have breakthroughs.
The BBD Momentum Mastermind Schedule
- Week 1:
– Set your 3-month goal
– Commit to necessary actions you need to take
– Identify the habits you want to instill in your days and weeks - Weeks 2 – 11
– Check in on your plan
– Share your victories from the previous week
– Identify any challenges or roadblocks
– Take a hot-seat to overcome any specific challenges
– Dive deep into pressing issues to find work-arounds or reframe. - Week 12
– Analyze your plan and progress
– Reflect on what went well and what didn’t go as planned
– Celebrate your victories!
– Set your next 3-month goal.
All meetings are with the full group of up to 8 up-and-coming authors.
We meet on Thursdays at 6:45pm EST / 3:45pm PST via Zoom, and we will have a Facebook group for exchanging ideas and asking for/offering support during the week.
All meetings will be recorded and posted in the FB group. There will be no meetings on November 28th or December 26th.
So, what’s the exchange?
You have two options.
You can pay $329 monthly for the three months – OR – You can make a one-time payment and save $90. Your choice! Whatever works for your cash-flow and budget. You’ll make the choice on check out, above.
Just think how good it’s going to feel when you reach February with pages written and progress made.
Instead of losing these “dark months,” you will have traction, focus and motivation to keep going until you’ve finished your draft.
You’ll come into 2020 ready to take your book where it needs to go! Into query letters to agents and editors, or a book proposal, or to outside readers, etc.
Join us!
Register For the Mastermind Now
Register by Wednesday, Nov. 13th, and I’ll send you the Brooklyn Book Doctor step-by-step guide to creating an irresistible book proposal – FREE!
a $97 value
but no cost to you!